Dear James, I don't know what it is but sometimes when I wake in the night I feel someone is watching me sleep but I also find three scratch marks on my body.

They look like claw marks. They go away in one spot but appear somewhere else in a few days. Please can you help or advise?

Colin, Runcorn

Dear Colin, Thank you for your e-mail. I was interested to read about this experience. Whenever I receive a message from someone who has encountered a negative or less experienced spirit, the spirit in question will hit me with its energy. As I read this e-mail it has not happened here.

I don't doubt you have these feelings but to put your mind at rest, call me and I could visit you and if there is a problem I will clear or rescue the spirit.

I was called into a house once that had had similar feelings and attacks but when I visited the house I realised the marks were caused by the person herself due to stress of living in the house. I am not saying it does not happen to you but if you need help and you want me to visit, ring or personally e-mail me from my website.