Hi James, My nan passed away about a year or two ago. I'm not exactly sure when but I was wondering, does she look over me because I talk to her at night and ask her things and some things have actually happened?

I don't know if it's just luck or what. I would like to know if my nan is watching over me and my family because she passed away suddenly and I never got to see her before she went. If you can help me I'd be very grateful, thanks.

Jill, St Helens

Dear Jill, Your nan's not watching you 24/7 but I suspect she does come to see you. The first thing I saw was pearls or something round your neck, then it changed to daisy chains. I feel your nan has kept an eye on you all your life but you seemed to have changed quite a bit from the child you were. She has been around and touched you on your face.

For some reason the temperature has changed and I feel that when she is around it feels warm. She is a lovely lady, a lady that anyone would love to call Nan. I can see her in a summer dress. Not plain but not over the top, with colours. It seems to be pale colours in the main. I am not sure if you're married or single but she is talking about a man and saying don't go near him. He does not seem to be good enough for you. Did you have a nickname when you were young because she is calling you by that.