PARISHIONERS in Moulton are in fear of going to church after suffering verbal and physical abuse from youths who terrorise services.

The Sunday evening service at St Stephen's Church is the main target of the youths who come to church to hurl abuse at members of the clergy and congregation.

Raymond Pearson, 67, of Lodge Close, is frustrated that the youths come to church to spoil it for others.

He said: "Our hands are tied because we can't really turn anyone away from church. No matter what your religion, or lack of any, this is absolutely unacceptable. They must be identified."

Trouble first started around a year ago with rudeness and general bad manners but the latest incident on Sunday, March 21, was the final straw for some churchgoers.

Youths barged past a senior church leader and threw a table of hymn and prayer books to the floor.

On an earlier occasion, youths entered the church and threw stones at the minister and members of the public.

Any polite requests for the youths to leave by church officials and members of the congregation are met with a torrent of foul-mouthed abuse.

Rev Andy Greenhough said: "I haven't witnessed any of the behaviour first hand but a group of youths can be very intimidating for the older lady members."

Mr Pearson added: "They do have homes and parents who are responsible for their behaviour. Our politically correct society finds every excuse for them and every excuse for doing nothing about it."

Windows were smashed at the church around six months ago in another act of vandalism.

Police have been contacted and the complainants have been told that they are acting upon it.